The Central Valley’s food truck destination

Food Truck Events

Find us around town at our daily locations for lunch and dinner. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for our locations.

Corporate Catering

Looking to feed your office or a large group? Whether it’s 50 people or 5,000, we can help you. Book with us now to get the best food trucks in town.


We put on the biggest and best food events in the Fresno/Clovis area, from annual events like FresYes Fest and Taco Truck Throwdown to our monthly themed events.



Nobody Knows Food Trucks Like We Do



Fresno Street Eats is your source for the best food truck events, food festivals and corporate catering in Fresno, Clovis and the Central Valley.

With a network of food trucks that stretches beyond 70, we have what you’re looking for, whether you’re looking for dinner, a weekend outing or planning your next event.





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